Bisate, Rwanda

Wilderness Bisate Camp Newsletter – February 2024

Camp news

Ryan Dewes


February in Volcanoes National Park

Month two of 2024 is officially over and as time seems to fly by at Bisate, we look back at a very productive and preparatory period that we will use as a springboard for the rest of the year. We have a small refresh of the lodge coming in April, where we’ll be doing a bit of our cosmetic maintenance and a few amazing upgrades to the guest experience. We also have some new trainee faces at the lodge joining various departments, which has added a very exciting and young energy to the team.

We would also like to make a special mention to our lovely Head of Service, Anivia, who has been with Bisate for a few years now. In this time, she has established herself as not only an incredibly smart and capable young lady, but a very strong leader of the team. It is for these reasons that we have decided to promote her to Trainee Manager at Bisate. Anivia has already started greeting and welcoming guests with her beautiful smile and quick wit, and we are very happy to add her strong organisational skills and bookkeeping to the management team, and wish her all the best for her very bright future. 




Bisate Primary School shows appreciation for Wilderness Rwanda & CITW

The Headmistress of Bisate Primary School, Dancille Mukakamari, together with the school’s teachers and the parents’ committee, organised a special event on the 28th of February.


They invited all the parents of the learners to the school and explained to them that the school has been partnered with Wilderness and Children in the Wilderness since 2018.


Projects including CITW Eco-Clubs, the sponsorship of scholarships for students moving on to Bisate Secondary School, internet in the computer library, solar panels, water harvesting and drinking water filtration, sport fields, desks and many other improvements, have ensured that the school currently has the best academic results in the area.





Dancille praised Wilderness and CITW, saying that she will never forget all the successes we have achieved together.


She also thanked Aline Umutoni, Jean Damascene Nkuriragenda, Ingrid Baas and the entire Wilderness and CITW team for their commitment, and the love shown to residents of Bisate village as well as Bisate Primary School.


Together with the parents and Joseph Iyamuremye, the Inspector of Education for the Kinigi Sector, Dancille gifted the Wilderness team a beautiful embroidered artwork representing how Wilderness and CITW have supported the school. 


Mr Iyamuremye noted how special Wilderness is as a company in the Kinigi Sector, supporting the community with various projects including Bisate primary and secondary schools, as well as Rushubi School.





Some parents took the opportunity to thank the Wilderness team in person, making mention of the many ways in which their lives, and those of their children, have been positively impacted.


Bisate village and all the schools are looking forward to continuing to work together – and so are we!

Bisate wildlife and nature trails

It was another good month for showing off the abundance of wildlife and vegetation at Bisate. Our lovely side-striped jackal families are growing bigger, and signs of a third den are especially encouraging. Our serval is making more appearances along our crater nature trail, and seems to be entering his fully grown stage of life. What’s more, our African wildcat has found a mate, and we have our eyes peeled for any sign of kittens that might result from this very exciting union.

Bisate reforestation

Our beautiful concession continues to swell and become thick with amazing natural growth. We have planted more than 95,000 indigenous saplings, and have started preparations for the rainy season in April by filling up our nursery as much as possible with the next generation of saplings.





African redwoods, Dombeya and Lobelia trees and bushes dominate the forested areas, with our two mirroring bamboo forests becoming thicker by the day. Our bees love the Hypericum dotted around the concession, which encourage the all-important step of cross-pollination and making sure that the genes of the strongest plants are transferred to the next generation. 


On the subject of reforestation, it's also worth noting that across our areas of operation in Rwanda, we have planted almost 135,000 trees! This is a combination of efforts at Bisate (95,608), Sabyinyo (17,829) and Gishwati (21,411). Congratulations to all the teams!

Putting into words seeing the gorillas up close is near impossible. Putting into words the experience at Bisate Lodge is equally daunting – a magical place!


The male lion is the king of the Wilderness

Let’s plan your next journey


When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.