
Celebrating the cats of Kafue on this World Lion Day



Isaac Kalio


Lions - the pride of Wilderness in Zambia

Female Lion calling on the Busanga plains

As we celebrate World Lion Day on the 10th of August, we also honour the life of a legendary lioness of Zambia’s Kafue National Park, known as Queen. As an integral member of the Papyrus Pride for many years, Queen raised many generations of cubs. Her legacy is now that of more than 50 descendants. While Queen is suspected to have died around 2021 at the age of 15, she has left one of the most successful prides in the Kafue. So successful that the Papyrus Pride is now made up of three sub-prides.

Lions of the Kafue, Zambia

Over the years a high number of male cubs have been born in the area, resulting in fewer females and four different male coalitions presiding since 2013. Some of these dominant males have proven to be prolific breeders, such as the current coalition – General and Mohawk. This year in particular has brought much joy and excitement with eight different cubs being born, and another lioness pregnant. I am glad to share that seventy percent of these cubs are female, which might see the number of adult lionesses exploding in 2025.


A recent happening within the Papyrus Pride was a fight between two mothers, Yaya and Princess. It is very much a family affair as Yaya is suspected to be the daughter of Princess and Princess is the daughter of Queen. Two of Princess’ cubs got carried away in play and joined Yaya’s cubs, making her a mother of six. In a bid to get them back, there was a dispute between the two lionesses. However, with Princess being smaller than Yaya she was unable to do so. Since then, Yaya has happily adopted the two cubs and is taking care of them. We have seen her nursing them several times. It's been three weeks since this drama unfolded and we are still following to see where it takes us. 





With a lot of sub-adults roaming around, we have suffered the loss of a few cushions at our camps. We suspect they have been using them for pillow fights. However, we believe it’s a fair exchange; after all, we are witnessing Queen’s legacy in action. It is an exciting time as we watch the next generation of the Papyrus Pride in action – and we can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Wilderness Shumba

Come and meet the fascinating prides of the Busanga Plains

Discover Kafue National Park

Isaac Kalio

Photographic enthusiast, gifted storyteller and accomplished guide, Isaac grew up in a remote village in the Lower Zambezi. His childhood was spent dealing with wildlife raiding his family’s farmlands by day and night. He and his mother would spend their nights in a tree-house in the fields, waking up to chase elephants and hippos in the dark! “At that time, I had no idea that in the future this very wildlife would change my life and help me to pay for my kids’ school fees”.


He started his training as a canoe guide then completed his guide’s licence with the Lower Zambezi Conservation Trust in 2004. Three years later, Isaac spread his wings further into Zambia and began working for Wilderness in the legendary Busanga Plains in the Kafue National Park. Isaac is passionate about wildlife photography and his knowledge of the natural world is unsurpassed.

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