Serra Cafema

Conservation Projects at Serra Cafema, Namibia



Martin Benadie


The land on which Serra Cafema is located is leased from the 300 000-hectare Marienfluss Conservancy which is owned primarily by the Himba people, who are amongst the last semi-nomadic peoples on the planet. The camp is also actively involved in riverine rehabilitation and invasive plant control as well providing support for the SCIONA Project.

Marienfluss Conservancy and the Himba People

With the utmost respect for the Himba peoples and culture, Serra Cafema has been able to establish excellent relationships with the Himba when they move into the area and stay for a while in one of their village sites. Guests are able to experience traditional Himba culture in a respectful interaction to the benefit of all.

Below are a number of conservation projects we are currently involved in at Wilderness Safaris Serra Cafema …

Ongoing Riverine Rehabilitation, Monitoring and Invasive Plant Control

Serra Cafema is driving sustainable conservation by helping rehabilitate the island on which the camp is built. A nursery project has been initiated, replanting trees and shrubs indigenous to the area, such as mustard bush, ana trees and sandpaper fig. Invasive plant species (seeds are washed down when the Kunene River floods periodically) are also identified and eradicated in the area. This is an ongoing and determined process as these invasive species have a long-lasting seedbank and occur along the entire length of the river.

SCIONA Project

Wilderness Safaris Namibia and Serra Cafema are also providing logistical support for the SCIONA project which aims to strengthen cross-border ecosystem management and wildlife protection in the Iona-Skeleton Coast Transfrontier Park through co-designing and implementing conservation monitoring technology with the park authorities and surrounding communities.

Brown Hyaena Density Survey

The Marienfluss Conservancy will, in time, also form part of the outer reaches of the Skeleton Coast Brown Hyaena Project. This is the first official density survey for brown hyaenas in Namibia’s Skeleton Coast National Park, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and which was initiated at Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp.

Enquire about your life-changing journey to Serra Cafema here.

The male lion is the king of the Wilderness

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