Namibia, Rwanda

Selma Benyameni: Stories of Change

Cultures & Communities

Wilderness Blogger


From the Wilderness with love

Selma has travelled a particularly wonderful journey. From growing up in a remote village north of Namibia’s famed Etosha National Park to becoming General Manager of Wilderness Magashi in Rwanda’s Akagera National Park, her life trajectory to date has been remarkable She has moved across Africa from west to east, lived in numerous wild places, and worked with Wilderness in two vastly different countries on the continent, all the while carrying her grandmother’s lessons with her – always. Her journey truly is a story of change.

How Selma started with Wilderness

According to Selma, her upbringing was one of simplicity. She was born in Onawa, a small Namibian village near the Angolan border, but grew up in Omaalala, a slightly larger village, located further south-east towards Etosha. As she states, “I had the time and the space to be a child. I spent more time outdoors, learning from my grandmother about life and how to do the traditional chores such as ploughing our mahangu field, fetching water, collecting firewood, playing with my friends, and going to school”.


Post-school she began her career at the NamibRand Safaris Wolwedans Collection, where she was hired as a Food & Beverage and Front-of-House Trainee. Over the next few years, she worked her way up the ranks in various lodges across Namibia, moving from Bartender and Waitress at Leading Lodges, to Head Guest Relations at Nature Investments Canon Lodge, and then to Front Office Staff & Reservations Officer at GocheGanas Nature & Wellness Reserve in Windhoek. In 2013, Selma took on the position of Ongula Villa Homestead Lodge Manager for two years before going back to manage Wolwedans Dune Lodge from 2015 to 2017. 





Towards the end of 2017, Selma’s journey with Wilderness began, after accepting an offer to join as an Assistant Manager at Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp. After settling here, she rotated through the Wilderness Namibia camps, giving her a well-rounded understanding of the region’s offering. With stints at Serra Cafema, Desert Rhino Camp, and Little Kulala, she gained experience and grew in her role, eventually being promoted to Wilderness Namibia Hospitality & Support Trainer in 2021. 

The culture and community of Wilderness

Drawing on her passion for conservation tourism and time spent in Wilderness’ famously wild and remote concessions of Namibia, Selma didn’t hesitate to welcome her next Wilderness chapter. Together with her teams, she honed camp staff into ambassadors who keenly understand their roles, the Wilderness offeringt and the importance of delivering unforgettable guest experiences.


Even as Selma’s career has rapidly progressed, she still makes time to work with local communities in a personal capacity. Driven by a strong belief in empowering local communities through education, she has assisted where she can with programmes like Children in the Wilderness and other Impact initiatives. When not working or helping in the company’s Impact space, she devotes time to her greatest passion – making jewellery. It is something that has brought her, and continues to bring her, peace and healing since her grandmother passed on. As Selma passionately noted, “One day in my retirement I would love to run a small craft shop offering woven baskets and glass beads in the village. In the meantime, beading remains a hobby, and accessorises my uniform, because as an African, colour is everything to our attire”.




Growing with Wilderness, crossing borders

In 2024, Selma took a giant leap in her career by joining Wilderness Rwanda as a Relief General Manager. When asked what her first thoughts were when offered the opportunity, she stated, “Goosebumps, a dream, a change, optimism for the future, but above all, proof that hard work is rewarded and opportunities are there for those who are ready to grab them”. Such a response reflects her ever-positive approach. Naturally, this positivity, in combination with her wealth of experience, allowed Selma to thrive in her new surrounds, and she was quickly promoted to Wilderness Magashi General Manager in the same year. Remarkable.


When asked about the differences between Wilderness Namibia and Wilderness Rwanda, Selma has the following to say, “Both are unique destinations and operations. They have vastly different offerings, diverse cultures, and of course, climates”. Interestingly, when asked what was similar about the two, she remarks, “The warm, passionate and dedicated people”. An answer that serves as testament to Wilderness’ ability to attract positive individuals like Selma. Whether you are experiencing the arid beauty of Wilderness Hoanib Skeleton Coast, or the wetland paradise of Wilderness Magashi, the warmth of the staff remains consistent. It’s a warmth that comes in many forms, and the bright adornments on Selma are certainly among them. As she notes, “I love my accessories chunky, colourful, and meaningful”, adding that “colours are energy and pure happiness”; something very much affirmed by her appearance and charming personality.

Selma Jewellry creations

Selma Jewellry creations

Selma Jewellry creations

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A career in the Wilderness

Reflecting on her journey thus far, Selma concludes, “Being part of the Wilderness family has made me realise that hard work is valued here. The company is always trying to positively impact lives, and I love how we all share the same vision and passion for wanting to help protect our precious wilderness spaces”.


Selma’s story is one of vibrant positivity grounded in hard work, and we are following it with great anticipation – especially given the exciting new developments on the concession, and the endless possibilities we know she will approach as she always does – with colour and warmth.




The male lion is the king of the Wilderness

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