Natura Africa – Filled with the Energy of the African Sun
The Natura range of natural cosmetics is created exclusively from natural African ingredients. Handmade in Namibia, Natura Africa products aim to convey a sense of Africa – pure, honest and down to Earth – into your home. The concept is to evoke the warm, relaxed feeling of your stay on the African continent once you are home again.
Natura Africa products are gifts from the African sun, and blessings from the African soil. Combining the best of local plant oils and ingredients, the aim is to make a 100% natural, 100% African range of products. All key ingredients are hand harvested by women in rural areas and locally cold-pressed, providing direct income to the communities involved.
With the company based in Swakopmund, Natura products stand for local value-creation during ALL stages of production – and in so doing, ensure that all economic benefit – from source to final product – is maintained within the country.
Omba – Unique Namibian Arts
Omba Arts Trust is a social enterprise that has been working in Namibia since the early 1990s, with 400 rural artisans in nine regions of the country. In particular Omba supports resettled San people, most of whom depend almost entirely on the income they receive from their crafts or art. The majority of Omba artisans are women, and many are single heads of households. Besides developing and marketing their iconic crafts, Omba ise also addressing food and resource security through water-wise homestead gardens and award-winning tree-planting projects.