
The Collaring of Nkwele - Poem by Alison Nolting

Our Collective

Alison Nolting


Top US-based safari specialist, the Africa Adventure Company (AAC), is headed up by Mark and Alison Nolting, who recently made a generous and much-appreciated donation to Children in the Wilderness (CITW).

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Alison spent several years managing safari camps before joining Mark at AAC 25 years ago. After participating in the collaring of a lion on a Wilderness Safaris concession in Hwange National Park in late 2019, Alison was moved to write this poem.

The Collaring of Nkwele By Alison Nolting

The limbs are moving on the acacia as a troop of baboons descends
A juvenile elephant sprints by trumpeting with false bravado
Ahead in the plains is a lone buffalo
And the flames of the campfire merge with the setting sun rays

Early the next morning we depart in a cloud of frigid mist
A sighting of the lioness out front and soon, in the wave of grasses
Two bodies bound across the road with a backdrop of soft light
Winter is here and the pride is on the move

Within the forest of rich Zambezi teak there are glimpses
The regal sable, a journey of giraffe, handsome kudu and
What luck! A pack of wild dog on their evening hunt
Filled in with several elephant herds knocking down seed pods

Building up to our goal - replacing a collar on Nkwele the lioness
The lion research team of Janet and Bob were diligent
Calling in both the lioness and young male
A dramatic snarl, clash and swat followed by a peaceful sleep

Success – a brand new necklace on the wandering lady!

The Noltings have travelled as a family to over 10 countries in Africa including some 18 trips with their children. Alison loves Zimbabwe’s Lower Zambezi River region, as well as gorilla and chimp trekking.

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