
Get the perfect shot




Lauren Dold


Wilderness Camera Tips Photography On Safari
Wilderness Camera Tips Photography On Safari

Photographic safari with Wilderness

You’ve dreamed of getting that photo on safari. The one you’ve seen in magazines, competitions, or shared by friends. A lion’s mane, golden in the early morning light. An elephant, ears out, trunk up, sniffing the air. A hippo emerging from the water or mid-yawn. An acacia tree, silhouetted against the sunset. Whether you’re after iconic wildlife shots or dramatic landscape images, we understand what it takes to create memorable safari moments, and our photographic offerings will place you in the right place at the right time to create winning captures.

A wildlife photographer’s dream


From the wildlife-rich channels of Botswana’s Okavango Delta, to the sweeping landscapes and sun-drenched dunes of Namibia’s Sossusvlei, or the lush, vibrant rainforest of Rwanda, a safari with Wilderness brings you closer to the wildlife and vistas you’ve always dreamed of photographing.



Guided game drives


Out on a game drive, a lot has to line up to get the perfect shot. All Wilderness vehicles offer ‘window seats,’ which on an open safari vehicle means you’ll have space to get the shot wherever you’re seated.


You may know your camera inside-out: the settings, the angles, how to set up the perfect shot. But our guides know the wildlife inside-out: their behaviour and habits, and can help you by anticipating what your wild subjects may do. When you meet your guide, spend some time letting them know what your interests are – what you hope to see, the kind of shot you’d like to capture, the reach of your lenses… so that they understand how to help position you for the images you hope to get. Many of our Wilderness guides carry their own cameras, and will click away happily beside you and provide advice should you need it.



Keen on spending a few hours with a lazy pride of lions? Or happy to sit quietly with a breeding herd of elephants? At an extra cost, book a private vehicle and spend as much time as you like getting the shots you want. Spend a little extra, to spend a lot more time with the wild subjects you’ve always dreamed of.


Hide photography


Any good photographer knows that a little patience goes a long way when it comes to getting that perfect shot. Bring along your camera, binoculars and books, and spend a morning or an afternoon at one of our strategically placed hides. We can even set up a picnic lunch here if you want to arrange the ultimate ‘stake-out’.



Here, let the wildlife come to you. From the safety of our hides, watch as the wildlife approaches, unaware of your presence, giving you time to adjust your settings and frame your shot perfectly. Photograph elephants, slurping up water with their trunks before pouring it into their mouths or spraying one another, or simply wallowing in the mud. Take eye-level shots of a dazzle of zebras drinking, or a nervous giraffe, legs splayed and neck outstretched. Hides provide a great opportunity to photograph skittish birds, and often deliver beautiful mirror image shots reflected in the water’s surface.


Some of our hides, like the one at Linkwasha in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, also have a coffee station, fans and a day bed to relax on while you wait for the wildlife to arrive.

Discover new perspectives on wildlife photography

Beyond the photographic opportunities presented by game drives and hides, capture different perspectives while exploring other activities. On a boat or barge excursion, photograph hippos and crocodiles in their natural habitat, or capture a herd of elephants wading across a channel. Play with the light reflecting off the water, and take the opportunity to try capture rare birds hiding in the reeds.

Wilderness Jacana Botswana Activities Boating

On a guided walk, take a camera light enough to carry and photograph wildlife on foot, perhaps with your partner or family in-frame. Thrilling, unforgettable memories you can capture and take home with you to cherish forever.


From camp, practise night photography under the starry African sky; capture the Milky Way as it moves slowly overhead. While you wait, ask your guide to point out the constellations and learn about the magnificent southern hemisphere sky.


Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic traveller who’s new to safari photography, you’ll leave with memory cards full of photographs, and memories to last a lifetime.

Wilderness Camera Tips Photography On Safari

Experience photography

in the Wilderness

Let’s plan your next journey


When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.