
Wildlife Photo Competition: Action. Movement. An Instant Captured..


Jadien Kruger


The best action images capture the soul of the movement. An instant, recorded in a single frame. There is a thrill in viewing animals in their most raw and natural habitat; and even more so when unique movement is involved. If the opportunity arrives to get that one shot that goes by in a fleeting second, it can draw the viewer into the emotion of the moment.


Our Africa in Focus Photo competition entrants provided us with some awe-inspiring action images, allowing us a glimpse into Africa through their lenses.


We have decided to share some of these images with you as inspiration, hopeful that you will also have the opportunity to capture the action, whether it be animals, people or Mother Nature at work. And don’t forget to submit your entries for this year’s competition here.




Merche Llober; one of my favorite moments of the trip to Kenya was seeing the migration. All the wildebeest waiting for the bravest to start crossing the river and follow him. So many of them running through the dust, the water...it was simply amazing.



Carol Grenier; two plains zebra had frequent skirmishes involving biting and kicking, interspersed with periods of calm


Andrew Morgan; a yellow-throated longclaw takes flight in the Masai Mara


Buddhilini Desoyza; incessant rains in Masai Mara in early 2020 had caused the Talek River to flood. This unusual coalition of five male cheetahs (Tano Bora – Fast Five), were looking to cross this river in terrifyingly powerful currents. It seemed a task doomed to failure and we were in two minds. While we wanted them to cross knowing that this would be a once- in-a-lifetime sighting, these five held a special place in our hearts and we knew the dangers associated with the crossing (many cheetahs have died crossing much less daunting waters). After hours of searching, they suddenly jumped in and began swimming across. We watched terrified as they were carried downstream by the torrential river, with one struggling far behind the others. We were delighted when they made it to the other side. While we feel privileged to have witnessed this rare scene.



Patrick Pevey; a young male warthog, followed a female and a larger male. When the young male got too close the older male wheeled around to chase him away.



Ana Zinger; Sheldick Wildlife Trust orphans enjoy their dust bath



Bing Lin; a wild adult gelada male flips his upper lip and bares his sharp canines, a sign of submission in gelada individuals, not aggression



Vittorio Ricci; an African black oystercatcher playing with ocean's waves


The male lion is the king of the Wilderness

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