
Africa in Focus - Week Six Entries


Tenneil Zondagh


As the urge to travel grows within those of us currently isolating within the confines of our own four walls, we are thrilled to share some amazing desert landscape photos by entrants in the Africa in Focus 2020 photo competition. If you are longing for wide-open space, remote landscapes, striking natural beauty and a place to disconnect from the world and reconnect to nature … look no further!

"A landscape image cuts across all political and national boundaries, it transcends the constraints of language and culture "

Africa is a continent scattered with deserts – arid areas, yet full of colour and life. Have a look at some of the amazing desert landscape images, witness the wonder and feel the beauty of still life at its finest … Africa in Focus!

“Dead Trees” by Martin Groth

“Deadvlei at Dawn” by John Gaffney

“Sossusvlei Sandstorm” by Graham Macfarlane; taken during a sandstorm at Deadvlei in Sossusvlei, Namibia. The area is characterised by iconic dead acacia trees set against steep sand dunes.

“Moonrise” by David Schroedel

“Sand Dunes in Namibia” by Alex Sheshunoff

“Time Changes Everything ” by Ruzdi Ekenheim; barchan dunes at Soussusvlei from a helicopter at dusk

“Red Dune, Lone Oryx” by Ben McRae; a huge red dune towers above a lone oryx in the late afternoon sunlight. There is no more iconic image of Namibia than an oryx and a dune.

“Oryx on the Dunes of Sossusvlei” by Inger Vandyke; a group of oryx crests one of the dunes of Sossusvlei in Namibia

“Oryx in the Dunes” by Melanie Muhsal

“Survival in a Hostile Landscape” by Michael Viljoen; seeing a brown hyaena is always special as they are mostly nocturnal. We were privileged to visit the Skeleton Coast recently and saw a few hyaenas one early morning. We found this one walking back to its den after a night’s foraging. The sun was rising but it was bitterly cold with strong wind and mist from the Atlantic Ocean. I wanted to capture the brown hyaena in its environment and hope the picture conveys the toughness of this animal, surviving in an incredibly hostile environment.

The male lion is the king of the Wilderness

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