
Wilderness Trust supports Lion Rangers Programme in Namibia

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In an effort to bolster wildlife conservation and mitigate human-lion conflict in north-west Namibia, the Lion Rangers Programme, supported by Wilderness’ Impact fundraising arm Wilderness Trust, recently concluded its annual training, focusing on SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) utilisation. 


Wilderness Trust Supports Lion Rangers Programme


The training, held from 16 to 27 March at Möwe Bay in Skeleton Coast National Park, saw all Lion Rangers equipped with essential skills for their crucial role in safeguarding the region's biodiversity. Additionally, the Rangers underwent extensive SMART training, honing their proficiency in using the tool to monitor wildlife activity and mitigate human-wildlife conflict effectively. 


The SMART Global Congress, attended by the programme’s leaders from 10 to 14 March in Windhoek, focused on innovative technologies for wildlife monitoring and conservation. It offered invaluable insights and networking opportunities, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among conservation practitioners from over 40 countries. During the Congress, the Lion Rangers showcased their innovative approach to using SMART for community conservation, underscoring their pivotal role in mitigating human-lion conflict in north-west Namibia. The event served as a platform for the Rangers to engage with government representatives and NGO stakeholders, showcasing their accomplishments and addressing challenges faced in the field.


Supported by the Wilderness Trust and facilitated by Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT), the training underscored the commitment of all stakeholders to wildlife conservation and community empowerment. MEFT's provision of Möwe Bay as a training venue exemplifies the collaborative spirit driving conservation efforts in the region.





As the Lion Rangers continue their vital work, Wilderness reaffirms its dedication to supporting initiatives that safeguard biodiversity and promote sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife in Namibia's exceptionally remote wilderness areas.


For more information about the Lion Rangers Programme and its impact, please visit




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